Dec 2020 – Visit to Joytown Schools

3rd from left is Moses Okwaro a friend of Josa, next to him is Boni Agola Josa secretary general, next to him is the deputy principal madam Evelyn, followed by mother Joyce Mbula, the chairman Mr. Barrack ounga on a wheelchair, Evelyn Anambo a committee member/ acting treasurer. On the far right is Mr. Mbagara a friend of Josa and next to him is Mr.John Kinyai a Josa member.

At joy town primary school handing over the donations. From left to right. Mr John Kinyai a member, madam Wangari Noah ( on a wheel chair) a teacher and a josa member, mother Joyce Mbula, Evelyn Anambo committee member and acting treasurer, mr. Barrack Ounga the chairman (on a wheelchair) , Mr Boni Agola the secretary, madam Makumi the head teacher, Mr Mbagara, Anthony Wanyangi and Moses Okwaro all friends of Josa